
Honest and inspiring feedback from your screenwriting peers

The place to share, improve, and master your final draft and help others do the same.

People working on a script

Manage your scripts all in one place

Quickly view and organize your script portfolio from any of your connected devices. In your personal library you can manage each script’s requests, reviews, and drafts all in one location.

Uploads with no limit

No limit to uploads gives you the freedom to upload all your scripts as pdfs at no additional cost. Your personal library can also function as a place to back up your most recent drafts and to pitch the scripts that are ready.

Drafts made easy: Feature your best

Seamlessly switch between drafts to ensure peers and pros always see your best work. Simply upload new drafts and set the draft you want reviewed or pitched to active.

You are in control of your script

Privacy settings allow you to assign different levels of access to each individual script. You can make your script public or private. When your script is requested, you have the ability to accept or deny that request. In addition, anyone you’ve previously granted access, is easily accessible in your request history.

ScriptShare: My Scripts

A discovery platform that leaves the power in your hands.

Control and monitor your script’s progress on the site. Start with peer and pro reviews to improve your current draft. As your script improves and begins to receive recommends, you can also receive honor awards for reviewing another writer’s work. The more you give and receive reviews, the faster you and your script can rise to the top.

Script Blueprint

The reward of giving great reviews

Reading and giving feedback on fellow writers’ scripts will help you become a better writer yourself. In addition, if writers find your feedback valuable, they can give you an honor award that will show up on your profile. Professionals pay attention to writers who offer great notes. It shows that you understand the craft of storytelling, can solve problems, and reveals your talent as a writer.

Brain Blueprint

Quality script reviews done right

An easy to use system where reviewers can help writers improve their scripts by leaving notes directly on the page and evaluating the writer’s strengths and weaknesses. When reviewers truly help and inspire writers, the writer can reward the reviewer with an honor award to highlight their talent.

Seamless Notes

With our tools, you have the ability to give and receive notes directly on the page. You no longer have to scroll through countless emails to try to match a reviewer’s notes to the pages in your script. Learn More

In Depth Review Wizard

The review wizard asks the reviewer to answer specific questions about different aspects of the script and then to rate the writer’s strengths and weaknesses. This helps writers improve their current script and their overall writing knowledge and ability.

Writer & Reviewer Awards

The ability to receive recommends for your scripts and honors for your feedback helps you rise naturally within the system. Professionals are more likely to read scripts that have been written by a writer that not only has recommends, but honors for their reviews as well. Writers who are able to give great feedback are usually great writers themselves.

A community focused on inspiring and writing great films.

We cannot overstate the importance of community for screenwriters. Writing can be a very lonely endeavor, so we need fellow writers to help inspire us and bounce ideas off of each other. The more you’re able to connect with fellow writers who are willing to actively collaborate with you through giving and receiving feedback, the more confident you’ll become in your writing. Who else could possibly understand what you are going through besides a fellow writer?

Friends & Groups

Find your community and connect with fellow writers by adding friends and joining groups. Groups can be devoted to a wide range of topics from writing help, to a genre specific film discussion, or a writer’s group in your local area.

Easy Messenger

With our chat system you can quickly and easily message your friends. You can use this to communicate with your writing partner while collaborating on your script, or message a fellow writer for an update on feedback.

Learn how Writers Spotlight can change the way you write.

Need more detailed information? You’re in luck. The Writers Spotlight platform was designed by writers for writers. Yes, we love to write too! Check out our knowledge base and find out what our site can do for you.
