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Getting Started for Industry Pros

Here is a comprehensive guide on how to get started as an industry pro on Writers Spotlight. Read through the steps or select the section you need more info on below. Steps to get started: Optional steps: Filling out your profile is a great way to display some... read more...

Getting Started for Screenwriters

Here is a comprehensive guide on how to get started as a screenwriter on Writers Spotlight. Read through the steps or select the section you need more info on below. Filling out your profile is a great way to display the amount of scripts you’ve written, share a... read more...

What Scripts Should You Upload?

All of them! With a few exceptions… Our site has a few goals for you and your scripts. Help improve your scripts through peer feedback. Showcase your hard work as a writer by showing how many scripts you’ve written. See your scripts rise to the top through accolades.... read more...

Is Your Script from Celtx?

If you upload a script pdf that you’ve downloaded from Celtx, you may see blank pages when you go to read your script in Writers Spotlight. This is because Celtx encrypts your script’s pdf. If you are seeing blank pages on your script is a simple fix: read more...

How Pro Reviewer Pricing Works

Pro Reviewers are typically assistants to producers and executives who are looking for scripts. We recommend you wait to pay for a pro review until after you have swapped scripts with fellow writers. If you’re looking for a script assessment with feedback from a pro script reader, then... read more...

What is Pro Scripts

Pro Scripts is a separate section in ScriptShare where you can submit your script to the Pros, once you think it is ready. We did this so writers can feel comfortable uploading their script at any stage. While your script is in the script library you can exchange... read more...

Your Script Privacy Settings

In this article you will see the different options for your script privacy settings in Writers Spotlight. Public vs. Private. Public – script will show in library and can be requested. The default for uploading a new script is set on public. This means when you upload your new script it will appear in the script library and on your profile. read more...

Why Our Site Has a Monthly Fee

We thought long and hard about whether or not we should charge a monthly fee for our website. The other options to have the business be financially stable would have been to sell your personal data and/or bombard you with ads, which we didn’t want to do. We... read more...